Visual clarity of code
The importance of syntax to code readability
When discussing how easy a programming language is to read or write, we primarily think about functionality; what abstractions does the language provide to make programming easier? What's not often mentioned explicitly—even if we recognize it instinctually—is the visual clarity of the language.
Take the following snippets:
def mult_by_2(arr):
return map(lambda x: x * 2, arr)
def mult_by_2(arr):
return [x * 2 for x in arr]
You probably found the second snippet more readable. We're operating at the same level of abstraction: these two snippets map one-to-one. However, the list comprehension syntax makes it visually clear that we're mapping elements of a list, and presents the information in a more natural reading order. We've gained type information and readability through a bit of syntax sugar.
Let's look at a more extreme example:
(integrate x a b
(exp (- (/ (^ x 2) 2)))
(sqrt (* 2 pi))))
Fundamentally, these two snippets represent the same operation at the same level of abstraction. Yet the mathematical notation visually communicates that:
- We're doing math
- We're performing an integral from a to b
- We have a fraction with an exponential term over a constant
- This is an integral over the normal distribution
Teasing this information out of the Lisp program takes a lot more effort.
Except, well, I lied. At least a little bit. Sure, you can technically grasp all that information quicker from the mathematical notation, but you could also be unfamiliar with something like integration and be left without even a function name to look up.
Climbing the curve
The Lisp snippet has a much lower barrier to entry. As long as you know Lisp
syntax (which is famously simple enough to fit on a business card), you can see
what function is applied to what variables/numbers. And if you're lost as to
what integrate
or exp
do, you can look it up pretty easily.
On the other hand, getting a complete picture of the equation in Lisp is difficult. If you can read the mathematical equation, you probably find that syntax much easier to comprehend.
Every piece of syntax represents a chance to add a visually distinct operation, but also increases the learning curve—especially for reading code.
This is (in my opinion) one reason why many find Lisp and APL difficult to use despite them being such powerful languages. In Lisp, everything has exactly one visual form, rendering visual processing of the code very difficult. APL's symbols make it easier to scan for operations, but because it's almost entirely non-textual and doesn't use other visual demarcations like whitespace, a massive amount of memorization is necessary.
Figuring out how to create programs that are both visual and readable is important. Math and engineering rely heavily on symbols and visualizations for a reason; the human brain is an incredibly efficient visual processor, which we neglect when we adopt a single syntax for every problem domain. In general purpose languages, all code devolves into a series of functions and control statements, regardless of the code's meaning.
Imagine if there was an easily recognizable syntax for accessing a database, or logging a block of code. Every hint we give to our pattern recognition system makes understanding code easier, and we should take advantage of it.
So let's take a look at the practical challenges of visual programming representation and how we might approach them.
Dealing with the domain
It's not very hard/impossible to have the necessary visual patterns in a general purpose language out of the box. Common patterns vary between domain, specific application, and even subapplications. Users need to be able to create their own syntax to express their architecture.
Lisp does the functionality part of this pretty well, but due to its limited syntax misses out on visual clarity. Other languages do some form of this, but I've not found a language that's truly flexible in terms of program syntax yet.
But there's good reason even macro-focused languages don't venture here. Even ignoring techinical challenges like parsing, how would we make such a language readable to people outside the domain? Due to the wide applicability of programming, programmers shift between domains more often than in many other knowledge fields; if it takes a week to learn the application syntax, we can basically kiss open-source contributions goodbye. We need another solution.
Multiple representations
Putting a layer of indirection between the canonical program representation and what the user sees is not unheard of; it's what every WYSIWYG editor does. In programming, projects like Enso, Smalltalk, or even syntax highlighting act as middlemen between the literal program file and what shows up on the screen. Using indirection, we can modify what people see to align with their experience level. A symbolic language like APL could show textual versions of it's operations, or a textual data science language could show a boxes-and-lines style visual representation.
This is similar in spirit to the gradual programming model of Hedy. The needs of beginners and experts are different, and switching program representations should accomodate that.
Language support
The previous section hints about how we would get this to actually work. Even with custom syntax, there's a canonical AST that can be used by tooling. There's even prior work here; Tree-sitter provides language-independent syntax higlighting, and Tree-edit provides structural editing on top of that AST.
So what?
Ok, say you're not convinced that we need better visualizations of code. What does all this work get us?
As is often the case when indirection is introduced, a whole lot.
Bidirectional representations for editing source code are fairly limited, since you have to maintain complete information over the transformation. But what if you allowed one-way transformations? You probably don't care what AST your programming language uses under the hood, so what if they just used the same one?
Everytime we start a new language, we start at almost a blank slate. Debugging, editing, profiling, introspection, toolkits, package management; every language rebuilds these ideas all over again. Hell, nowadays these tend to be the killer features of new languages. We should be able to focus on the language syntax and features—the representation of the language—separately from the tooling.
Having this separation makes it much easier to develop small, easy to reason about DSLs instead of hammering everything into general purpose languages.
We already have this functionality in highly programmable languages like Lisps. It's how we can get powerful features like pattern matching without compiler support. All we're missing is the ability to visualize our new constructs in readable ways.
Wrapping up
Hopefully this post gave you some new insights. This space is massive, and there's probably a lot of research material out there I'm not aware of. I've included some further reading below; if there's something cool I'm missing let me know and I'll add it in!
Further reading
- Stop writing dead programs: A wonderful talk by Jack Rusher that goes into syntax and visual program representation, among other topics.
- Is it really "Complex"? Or did we just make it "Complicated"?: A famous talk by Alan Kay about using smarter, smaller languages.
- Enso: A data science language with a boxes-and-lines representation.
- Subtext: A "programming by example" language with a custom editing UI.